Public transportation or Private vehicle?

Taking public transportation / driving your own car
Thesis statement: Although a private car bring the owner a feeling of comfort and mobility, I prefer to public transportation because it is economical, friendly to the environment and easy.
A: the monthly expenditure
B: the impact on environment
C: convenience
Conclusion: promote to use public transportation rather than driving a private car

Public transportation or Private vehicle?
In my hometown, owing a private vehicle is quite common, which attribute to the enhancement of income combined with the prosperity of automobile industry in recent years. Besides, the central government of Shanghai has built up a comprehensive public transportation system including 12 metro lines and numerous bus stops scattering every parts of the city area. Their existences aim to commute people from a place to another place quickly, safely and economically. Although driving means a great degree of comfort and mobility, I prefer to public transportation because it is economical, friendly and easy.
From my point of view, one obvious difference between them is the monthly cost. Public transportation, such as undergrounds and buses are usually developed and run by government, serve the whole citizen in tern of paying a small account of money for ticket. For example, it generally costs about 200 RMB a month for a person who travels by public transportation. In contrast, it costs an arm and a leg monthly for a person who drives to office. That is, most of the cars nowadays guzzle petroleum to produce power. Even an economical car its fuel consumption of 100km is about 7 liter, the piece price is about 7.5rmb/L. One of my former colleagues who lives about 50km away from our office, he usually spends around 1000RMB per month for petrol, almost 5times higher than commute by public transportation.

Other area of difference between urban transportation system and individual cars has impacts on the environment. Many people concede that automobile exhaust which contains carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide, is one of the main culprits should take responsible for air pollution and global warming. More private cars on the road mean more car exhaust is released every day thus make the air quality even worse than before. However, public transportation like underground on account of its huge capacity and useless of gasoline make it is more attractive and sustainable for the long term.
In spite of these two differences, there is another reason to explain my preference. A driving license is a must if I want to drive by myself. While I don’t think this is an easy job for me or for most of the ladies to pass this examination because generally women are not good at operating any kind of machine. Even if I can get my license, probably I will get lost in the city area due to its traffic regulation. For instance, some streets are one-way traffic, some streets cannot turn right/right etc. On the contrary, I can find a seat and enjoy my reading when I get on the metro or bus instead of worrying how to find my ways while I am driving.

Personally, the advantages of public transportation far outweigh the popularization of the private car. In order to build up a sustainable society for our offspring, not only the government and citizens should promote the widely usage of urban transportation system.

Increased life expectancy

Thesis statement: Medical technology, nutrition and healthy life style mainly lead to increased life span.

body 1: Medical technology

  1. Annual check up
  2. Many diseases can be cured

body2:  nutrition

  1. Eat healthier food
  2. Add supplements to diet

body 3: Healthy  life style

  1. Spend time with friends
  2. Work out


Increased Life Expectancy

Recently, World Health Organization announcement that the world-wide humans’ life-span, the average number of years a baby born today can be expected to live, has increased from over 30-year-old in 1900s to 70-year-old in 2000s. It was also indicated that medical technology, nutrition and healthy life style, these three facts play phenomenal roles in this improvement.

The sophisticated medical technology is one of the main sources of this improvement. One example for this is nowadays people tend to have their annual physical examination with the help the advanced instruments. In this case, any potential health problems can be detected and diagnosed before they become a raging tiger which could kill a person quickly. What’s more, many of the diseases known by human beings can be cured through taking medicine or a surgery as the result of the high medical technical development.

Apart from the technical aspect, the prolonged life expectancy is also produced by a balanced diet. People are aware of a healthy diet, like lower fat, lower sugar, high fiber, high protein diet, not only satisfies the range of people’s daily nutritional needs and can add years to their life-span. At the same time, people can add supplements to their diet in order to sustain a wellbeing life. For example, we were told that the intake of Vitamin A, C, E, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and other mineral may help you reduce the possibility for cancers and heart diseases and live longer.

Finally, the harmony between people’s mentality and physicality also attribute to the increased life span. People suffer from the hustle and bustle which is disturbing them from work or family, especial in a competitive and high pressure modern society. Social engagement like spending some time with one or two of friends for a cup of coffee or a poker game will benefit them, relax them and make them up. To some extent, regular physical activities, such as jogging, swimming or walk, can make you more energetic and increase your strength and flexibility.

From my point of view, the technical development combined with human being’s consciousness leads to nowadays increased life span. Honestly, there are some drawbacks behind this phenomenon, next time I will talk something about that.